Click on NEW WORD (may take a moment to load)...

Type your answer here:               


Maximum number of letters?   3   4   5   any

Set your speed:   slow   medium   fast   Deaf

Fine tune your speed:     

Your score 0

● This fingerspelling tool and over 75 MORE tools are available for your Android Smartphone. Visit for more info.
● For free ASL lessons and resources visit




Common Letter Combinations

Spell this to me 

ABC Slideshow  

Sign Language Charts (fingerspelling)  

American Sign Language (ASL) 

Fingerspelling Font





Keyboard shortcuts for the Fingerspelling tool:

Alt-n -- load a new word
Alt-r -- review the fingerspelling
Alt-s -- slow speed
Alt-m -- medium speed
Alt-f -- fast speed
Alt-d -- Deaf speed


Hello :)
I encourage sign language students to find a qualified local Deaf tutor or American Sign Language (ASL)  instructor to help you learn ASL or fingerspelling.  This ASL fingerspelling site is a little tool I put together to help my college ASL students get some receptive fingerspelling practice. It isn't perfect, but it seems to help so I figured I'd share it with the world. If it is of use to you, great!
I wish you the very best!
- Dr. Bill Vicars

To learn more about:  ASL, (American Sign Language) Deaf Culture, and fingerspelling -- visit