Type the ASL signed number below. (No commas)
Maximum number?
Your current number range is:
Instructions: To save time you can press "Enter" on your keyboard instead of clicking "check" on the screen. You can set specific numbers ranges by typing in the lowest number and then clicking "set min" and then typing in the highest number and clicking "set max." Do not use commas. After checking a number you can press "Enter" on your keyboard to display a new number. Note: If your browser reloads this page each time you play a new word you can _radically_ improve performance (on PCs using Internet Explorer) by doing this: Click on: Tools > Internet Options > Temporary Internet Files > Settings > Under: "Check for newer versions of stored pages:" Choose "Automatically" or "Every time you start Internet Explorer." That will load the images from your computer's memory (cache) instead of downloading them each time for each number. :)
► ASL Numbers ► American Sign Language
American Sign Language (ASL) resource site. © ASL University / Lifeprint.com / William Vicars (Dr. V)